Beyond Standardization: A comparative Analysis of Coca Cola's Advertising Campaign

Monge, Gloria (2022) Beyond Standardization: A comparative Analysis of Coca Cola's Advertising Campaign. MA/MSc szakdolgozat, BCE Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet, Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The debate on the adaptation or standardization of brand advertising for a company's success is still complex and has divided practitioners and researchers in the field. This is due to the benefits and complications arising from the application of one method or the other. However, there is a growing body of research suggesting that advertising is strongly influenced by local culture. The purpose of this empirical study is to examine how Coca-Cola uses the cultural values of each target country as an advertising strategy and how this affects consumers. Examining this debate in a company that promotes its product in more than 200 countries will provide conclusions that will enrich the subject. Thus, Coca-Cola has become a benchmark and a clear example for several companies that want to internationalize and make strategic decisions about advertising and promoting their products or services in foreign markets.

Tétel típus:MA/MSc szakdolgozat
Azonosító kód:15327
Képzés/szak:Communication and Media Science
Elhelyezés dátuma:26 Jan 2023 14:11
Utolsó változtatás:26 Jan 2023 14:11

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