Soviet crimes against the population of the Republic of Lithuania. A case of Genocide

Skultinaite, Brigita (2021) Soviet crimes against the population of the Republic of Lithuania. A case of Genocide. MA/MSc thesis, BCE Nemzetközi, Politikai és Regionális Tanulmányok Intézet, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék.

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The subject of this master thesis is the Soviet crimes committed against citizens of the Republic of Lithuania. The first two chapters of the thesis analyse the legal concept of genocide in the international and national law legal framework. The analyses are split into two parts to compare different aspects of genocide and the reasoning behind those differences, such as broaden list of protected groups. The third chapter of the thesis is dealing with the Soviet crimes committed against the Lithuanian population. Historical sources such as documents and victims' testimonies were used to describe the methods and conditions in which crimes occurred. Subchapters of the third part are divided according to the historical period - first, second Soviet occupation and the restoration of historical justice after the 1990s.

Item Type:MA/MSc thesis
ID Code:14412
Specialisation:International Relations
Deposited On:08 Dec 2021 09:56
Last Modified:08 Dec 2021 09:56

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