Drivers for the Acceptance of Wearable Healthcare Devices in Hungary

Chaudhary, Hina (2020) Drivers for the Acceptance of Wearable Healthcare Devices in Hungary. MA/MSc thesis, BCE Corvinus Business School, International Study Programs.

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The aim of this study was to understand the reasons that affect the acceptance and adoption of wearable healthcare technologies, in specific to the variables defined under the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model 2. With a significant rise in healthcare wearable devices and a rapid expansion of the healthcare technologies, the need to understand the factors impacting their acceptance became more vital. The UTAUT2 model was adopted and extended to include data privacy and accuracy to conduct a quantitative study on sample of 226 respondents within Hungary. The results of this study identified that out of 9 constructs studied, 6 of them were significantly related to user acceptance for the wearable devices with price value and efficiency expectancy as the strongest contributors. Based on these findings an upgraded model of UTAUT2 for wearable healthcare devices has been proposed, which may be used to study future wearable healthcare devices in Hungary.

Item Type:MA/MSc thesis
Subjects:Information economy
ID Code:13528
Specialisation:Business Informatics
Deposited On:15 Jan 2021 11:44
Last Modified:02 Dec 2021 10:22

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