The War on Drugs and the Merida Initiative

Dzunic, Anna (2018) The War on Drugs and the Merida Initiative. Outstanding Student Paper, BCE, Földrajz, geopolitika, regionális és fenntartható fejlődés szekció. Szabadon elérhető változat / Unrestricted version:

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This paper aims to present the successes and failures of a supply-oriented drug policy through the case of Mexico. It examines the Merida Initiative’s goals and achievements since its adoption. Special attention is devoted to the Initiative after 2010, when the Obama Administration sought to shift the focus of the assistance towards strengthening rule of law, enhancing the capacities of democratic institutions, primarily the justice sector, and also improving the human rights status of the country. To assess the achievements and failures, David Baldwin’s (2001) guidelines are adopted: effectiveness, cost to user and target, stakes for user and target. The assessment might provide valuable insights for future policy implications. In either case (before and after the shift), however, it seems that the supply-oriented drug policy is associated with too high of a cost to be labeled as successful.

Item Type:Outstanding Student Paper
Notes:2. díj
Subjects:Regional economy
Economic development, sustainable development
ID Code:11183
Deposited On:18 Jun 2018 13:01
Last Modified:18 Jun 2018 13:01

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