Analysis of Potential Problems and Countermeasures on China’s Cross-Border E-Commerce Logistics

Xu, Xinxin (2017) Analysis of Potential Problems and Countermeasures on China’s Cross-Border E-Commerce Logistics. MA/MSc szakdolgozat, BCE Társadalomtudományi és Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Kar, Világgazdasági Intézet.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Nowadays, e-commerce is becoming more and more popular due to the application of Internet and World Wide Web which are from emergence to mature to drive into an electronic and informatization age. Therefore, there are many merchants searching the business opportunities and using e-commerce platforms to do cross-border transactions. Particularly, it plays a crucial role in Chinese business industry and creates spillovers for other industries to step up the developmental pace, and cross-border logistics is one of the industries that is influenced by cross-border e-commerce, which is the last step of the entire e-commerce supply chain. Meanwhile, as the highly growing up of cross-border e-commerce logistics, there are higher requirements and problems that have to be met and solved. In this thesis, it concentrates on analyzing the potential problems and countermeasures of China’s cross-border e-commerce logistics from macro and micro level respectively. Based on the core research question, it starts with the general overview about cross-border e-commerce, logistics, the development and relationships between these two concepts, showing the strong interactions with each other. Then it comes to the further understanding of current situation of cross-border e-commerce logistics. At the same time, the logistics patterns of cross-border e-commerce are listed, which emphases more on the overseas warehouse since it is a new and effective way for the development of cross-border logistics. The practical part is to analyze the influence factors, potential problems and countermeasures. So based on the previous research, it studies the possible factors that influence the development of cross-border e-commerce logistics from six points. And according to the influence factors, the current and potential problems are come up from macro and micro level to be comprehensively analyzed. Finally, I put forward feasible countermeasures and recommendations in terms of the potential problems.

Tétel típus:MA/MSc szakdolgozat
Témakör:Kereskedelem, Turizmus, Vendéglátás
Nemzetközi gazdaság
Azonosító kód:10590
Képzés/szak:International Economy and Business
Elhelyezés dátuma:13 Feb 2018 13:08
Utolsó változtatás:02 Dec 2021 11:58

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