The importance of video marketing and content analysis of YouTube's top 10 U.S. TrueVien for action video ads of 2020

Molazadeh Farsangi, Ali (2021) The importance of video marketing and content analysis of YouTube's top 10 U.S. TrueVien for action video ads of 2020. BA/BSc thesis, BCE Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet, Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék. Szabadon elérhető változat / Unrestricted version:

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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the reasons behind the growth of video marketing; throughout the past decade video marketing has been turned into a separate field in marketing, and nowadays, it is an integral part of businesses’ marketing strategies. Consumer behavior also plays a key role in this growth. The fast development of internet speed and smartphone technology has made the use of video content accessible and easier for the internet users. Due to the newness of this field, there is a paucity of literature on the subject, hence, this study sheds light on the essential concepts of video marketing, and provides a structured approach to studying video marketing as a separate field. This research seeks answers to the question of: Whether there are any common attributes employed in successful marketing videos? In order to answer this question, initially, the various aspects of video marketing, and the methods of visual rhetorical analysis will be studied. A major challenge to address this question is defining reliable metrics to measure the success of a marketing video. Hence, various possibilities of measuring success in video marketing will be examined. For the purpose of this research, “YouTube’s top 10 TrueView for action video ads in the U.S. for 2020” will be taken as the sample, and a visual rhetorical analysis based on David Blakesley’s methodology and his four approaches to film rhetoric, will be conducted. The platform of analysis is “YouTube Ads Leaderboard”, where all the advertisements can be found. The units of analysis are the 10 YouTube video advertisements, which are ranked by YouTube from 1 to 10 (1 is the highest, and 10 the lowest) based on an algorithm that factors engagements with the features of the format: total reach and clicks. Upon exploring the visual elements of the video ads, it is expected to find correlation between the presence of certain number of rhetorical devices and the success of a marketing video.

Item Type:BA/BSc thesis
ID Code:14787
Specialisation:Communication and Media Science
Deposited On:12 Sep 2022 09:31
Last Modified:12 Sep 2022 10:32

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