Villányi, Viktória (2011) The Development of Slovenian-Hungarian cultural relations between 2004-2011. MA/MSc szakdolgozat, BCE Közgazdaságtudományi Kar, Világgazdasági Tanszék/ISES.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
In light of the integration of Slovenian and Hungary into the EU since 2004, Slovenia‘s EU Counsel presidency in 2008 and Hungary‘s EU presidency in 2011 the two countries‘ relations in the fields of politics, economy and culture—have gained new significance. This study aimed to introduce the course of major developments in the establishment of diplomatic corps, legal framework for bilateral agreements, and the gradual build-up of effective cooperation between institutions of culture in both countries. The first half of the study focuses on the development of cultural relations between Slovenia and Hungary as neighbors in Central Europe, with a focus particularly on neighbor-to-neighbor policies, annually organized international culture festivals supported as venues of the European Union. The second half of the study discusses the development of different levels of political and cultural representation of the Slovenian national minority community living in the area of Hungary. The developments include the establishment of institutions—self-government, museological institutions for Slovenian cultural heritage, bilingual schools for pupils, and a variety of civic organizations responsible for the coordination of Slovenian cultural events observed in the Hungary. This study calls attention not only to successful achievements, such as the institutionalization of Slovenian cultural heritage, the support to university studies and international relations between Slovenian diaspora in Europe. It also emphasizes critical points of minority policy in Hungary, particularly the challenges and current problems of language education, the decreasing number of pupils in minority schools and the problems of finance yet to be solved and reconsidered by high level politics as well as regional governance. The gradual development of bilateral relations between Slovenian and Hungarian institutions, as well as the political and civic representation of Slovenian minority that is an organic bridge between the countries, offers an opportunity to reevaluate the role of culture—and cultural heritage—that is intertwined with the world of international politics and economy, and determines lives and prospects of future generations.
Tétel típus: | MA/MSc szakdolgozat |
Témakör: | Kultúra, közművelődés, sport Nemzetközi kapcsolatok |
Azonosító kód: | 3957 |
Elhelyezés dátuma: | 12 Okt 2011 13:22 |
Utolsó változtatás: | 02 Júl 2016 20:37 |
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