Cyberbullying in Hungary and the United States : A comprehensive literature review

Sonkoly, Anna (2022) Cyberbullying in Hungary and the United States : A comprehensive literature review. MA/MSc szakdolgozat, BCE Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet, Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Cyberbullying is one of the biggest challenges our society has faced since the advent of new media. Therefore, it is an important and relevant topic nowadays. Its importance lies in the fact that it is a recent phenomenon. Consequently, the protection of the youth via regulations and prevention is still in the early stages. This literature review thesis work aims to provide a detailed review of the subject. The research is focused on two countries: Hungary and the United States. The critical differences highlighted include the discrepancies in laws and policies, prevention initiatives, and media coverage of cyberbullying in these two countries. Although this new form of bullying has been present since the development of modern media, it is still a huge problem among adolescents. It generates trauma in all situations, with tragic outcomes in some scenarios. The thesis gives a theoretical background, introducing the relationship between media and youth and providing information on bullying and cyberbullying. The methodological part of the thesis is based on the comparison of Hungary and the United States from legal, preventive and media aspects. Studies from scholars such as Olweus, Hinduja, Patchin, Parti and Pongó give the base for the thesis. Furthermore, many online platforms and governmental documents gave an even more detailed overview of the topic. The research results indicate that studies on cyberbullying have a much longer history in the United States than in Hungary. Furthermore, legislative measures on the issue have been taken in the United States, even if not coherently to the entire country. In Hungary, the initiatives are still in their initial status. News outlets have been focusing on the topic. However, the number of articles in the United States is higher. Additionally, they are primarily focused on local issues, while in Hungary, there are fewer articles on the topic, and many of them have an international focus. Prevention programs, campaigns and policies are issued in both countries; however, schools and parents are more involved in addressing the phenomenon in the United States. The thesis concludes that Hungary lags behind the United States in all examined aspects. Further research possibilities on the topic might be examining the evolution of legislative and prevention programs and analysing media coverage within certain media outlets.

Tétel típus:MA/MSc szakdolgozat
Témakör:Média és kommunikáció
Azonosító kód:15352
Képzés/szak:Communication and Media Science
Elhelyezés dátuma:30 Jan 2023 10:39
Utolsó változtatás:30 Jan 2023 10:39

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