The transformation of hip-hop from underground to mainstream music and its impact on the music culture of other countries: taking Asia as an example

Wang, Jichen (2022) The transformation of hip-hop from underground to mainstream music and its impact on the music culture of other countries: taking Asia as an example. MA/MSc thesis, BCE Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet, Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék.

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Hip-hop has completed its metamorphosis from niche to mass in today's mainstream music market. Among the various pop music categories at this stage, hip-hop is also in a relatively leading position and is one of the most beloved pop music genres. Hip-hop is a continuation of black American pop music culture, formed around the 1970s and later became one of the representatives of black culture. Hip-hop music is growing in its later development and has become a diverse cultural carrier. However, when hip-hop is introduced to other cultural backgrounds, taking Asia as an example, both the cultural experience and language environment are very different from the United States, in which the discussion of American social issues and racial issues are also further from Asian countries, Asian audiences still favor hip-hop music. It has become one of the mainstream music forms. For people in Asian countries and regions, the spread of hip-hop music has an Intercultural Communication Hip-hop is also a subcultural street pop music culture with subcultural attributes and has subcultural research implications for the relationship between subculture and popular culture. This paper will discuss the history of hip-hop and its important development moments, explore what critical stages hip-hop has gone through from underground to mainstream, select some representative Asian countries and regions for comparison, what characteristics different countries and regions have, and finally, Uses and Gratifications Theory from the perspective of the audience, select one of the countries and regions for research to conclude, the limitation is that it cannot cover all the countries and regions mentioned in the paper. We will consider improving the research in future studies.

Item Type:MA/MSc thesis
Subjects:Media and communication
Culture, sport
ID Code:15342
Specialisation:Communication and Media Science
Deposited On:30 Jan 2023 09:21
Last Modified:30 Jan 2023 09:21

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