Gender Inequality : How gender inequality increases the opportunity and motivation of young Lao students to study abroad

Phaxayavong, Manisakhone (2022) Gender Inequality : How gender inequality increases the opportunity and motivation of young Lao students to study abroad. MA/MSc szakdolgozat, BCE Kommunikáció és Szociológia Intézet, Szociológia és Társadalompolitika Tanszék.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Despite many strong positive changes in terms of gender inequality, current women have a movement gender role of Lao National Labor Council which has a smaller number of women than men. Therefore, women continue to be underrepresented in positions of authority, the prominence of women's roles in societies, unpaid domestic labor continues to be disproportionately burdened, and women are limited to taking advantage of the labor market. As they are promoting the gender role in societies and encouraging women to achieve education as men. This study uses the interview as a research tool to collect data from international students from Lao in Hungary in the academic years 2019-2021 and use qualitative methodology. This thesis is based on human capital theory and gender roles theory. The results show that, there are (a) three main factors (labor market, economic crisis, and inequality of education) that affect the motivation of Lao women to study abroad, (b) comparative students in urban and rural areas have different motivations to study abroad, and (c) the potential has a positive impact on gender equality.

Tétel típus:MA/MSc szakdolgozat
Azonosító kód:15155
Elhelyezés dátuma:10 Jan 2023 12:00
Utolsó változtatás:10 Jan 2023 12:00

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