Analyses of the changes induced by the development of a disruptive technology in the affected inter-organisational networks = Egy diszruptív technológia fejlesztése által indukált változások elemzése az érintett szervezetközi hálózatokban

Kisbán, Petra Mária (2022) Analyses of the changes induced by the development of a disruptive technology in the affected inter-organisational networks = Egy diszruptív technológia fejlesztése által indukált változások elemzése az érintett szervezetközi hálózatokban. TDK dolgozat, BCE, Vezetés és szervezés, változásvezetés. Szabadon elérhető változat / Unrestricted version:

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The world is changing fundamentally, and this is especially true of the everyday life of the 21st century. In recent years, tackling the replacement of non-renewable energy sources and halting global warming has become an increasingly urgent problem. In the dissertation, I examined a disruptive technology based on renewable energy sources, the Power-to-Gas technology in the Hungarian energy environment, which proposes a solution to eliminate sustainability problems. In the thesis, I applied a qualitative research methodology and examined the current Hungarian and European Union guidelines and strategies with the help of text analysis software. Then supported my results with semi-structured interviews where my subjects were members of industry, academia, and the regulatory environment. My research questions: (1) What are the positive drivers and barriers of the current regulatory environment? (2) How can the international Power-to-Gas technology support the changes in the Hungarian innovation ecosystem? (3) What kind of transition is needed in the current innovation ecosystem’s regulatory environment to standardise and develop a sustainable business model for the Power-to-Gas technology? It can be concluded that while providing technology on all sides, the most significant obstacles are in the legal definition and environment and the lack of financial support. For the time being, Power-to-Gas is not widespread abroad either, but there are a few pilot projects in a Sandbox-type environment, which could be an example to follow in Hungary. Based on the conclusions drawn from the research, I built up Kotter's eight-step Change Management model concerning the Power-to-Gas technology, where I discussed change management in a network context. I sought answers in the network nodes to the developments needed to spread, standardise, and develop a sustainable business model for the technology and change the energy sector.

Tétel típus:TDK dolgozat
További információ:2. díj
Témakör:Innováció, tudásgazdaság
Vállalati vezetés és politika
Azonosító kód:15428
Képzés/szak:Management and Leadership
Elhelyezés dátuma:24 Ápr 2023 08:39
Utolsó változtatás:24 Ápr 2023 08:39

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