Discussion on TPP’s Implication to China

Ma, Zibo (2017) Discussion on TPP’s Implication to China. MA/MSc thesis, BCE Társadalomtudományi és Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Kar, Világgazdasági Intézet.

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has left significant impact to China as well as to Asia-Pacific by its advanced economic standards and explicit political motives. Its regulation on various aspects of economy represents the practice of developed countries, which are far ahead of China’s current situation; its geographic coverage in Asia-Pacific is significant enough to curb China if those regulations were put into practice as restrictions for non-members to participate in international trade and investment. China has been expediting its economic transformation and accelerating the negotiation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) due to the pressure of TPP. However, U.S.’s withdrawal from TPP does not end TPP’s implication to China even TPP may not materialize in near future or it may not materialize without any modification. Because the “future standards” reflected by TPP and geopolitical wrestling carried out through TPP continue to be the main tone of Asia-Pacific, regardless of by which means or under which names they are delivered. U.S’ president Mr. Trump is against complete free trade to safeguard the interest of American blue-collar worker, but it’s reasonable to believe that numerous high standards exhibited by TPP which match with developed economies are going to be U.S.’s tool to control the international economic order and bring more favorable conditions to developed countries represented by U.S. To proactively prepare for future changes is key for China to continue its economic development and enlarge its role in regional integration. TPP can offer insight and provide meaningful enlightenment to China, while it can also lose touch to reality when applied to the practical situation of China. Detailed comparison is indispensable for the analysis. This paper assesses China’s situation from the angle of TPP’s standards and the development of the TPP affair, to discuss TPP’s implication to China. Discussion around TPP’s Chapter 11 (Financial Services), Chapter 17 (State-owned Enterprises), Chapter 18 (Intellectual Property), Chapter 19 (Labor), and Chapter 28 (Dispute Settlement) will be the focal points.

Item Type:MA/MSc thesis
Uncontrolled Keywords:TPP, economic, geopolitical, labor, implication, comparison, Asia-Pacific, China, U.S, Reform
Subjects:Economic policy
ID Code:10560
Specialisation:International Economy and Business
Deposited On:12 Feb 2018 09:22
Last Modified:02 Dec 2021 12:00

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