Generation Z and their networks

Zámbóné Tóth, Emese (2017) Generation Z and their networks. Szakdolgozat, BCE Társadalomtudományi és Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Kar, Idegennyelvi Oktató- és Kutatóközpont. Szabadon elérhető változat / Unrestricted version:

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Generation Z are those who were born after 1996. They are also called Millennials or iGeneration because they are the first generation to have access to the Internet from an early school age also in remote parts of the world. Generation Z have grown up and are growing up in a world that changes faster and more often than ever before, they have different opportunities and difficulties and a different strategy to survive and succeed. They are more flexible, change their place of living, studying or working more quickly, build relationships faster and are ready to share information and knowledge with everybody; with friends, family members, classmates but with virtual acquaintance or ’friends’ as well. As they have access to the Internet and can keep contact easily via Messenger, Skype and other applications with their close relatives and friends, they will probably not lose their old friends and will keep contact with them.

Tétel típus:Szakdolgozat
Azonosító kód:10343
Képzés/szak:Business language trainer
Elhelyezés dátuma:12 Jan 2018 09:36
Utolsó változtatás:06 Dec 2021 10:50

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